Mandatory Credit: Photo by Dave Young/REX (3765920d)
George Metallinos DOB
'Shock And Awe': New Fathers Photographed on Day of Baby's Birth
Petrified, ecstatic, tearful - the range of emotions experienced by brand new fathers have been captured in this poignant set of images.
Photographer Dave Young was present through the nights of 23rd to 26th April at London's Chelsea and Westminster hospital documenting the reactions of new dads minutes after their partners gave birth.
His charming work sees unguarded reactions from the men, coupled with a phrase or few lines of words they would like their child to live by.
Sentiments range from "Live your life as if it were a constant pursuit of happiness" to "No tattoos until you're 30 and always be nice to your mum!"
The pictures were commissioned for The Book of Dads, a special Father's Day charity edition of The Book of Everyone personalised books ( 50% of the proceeds of the book go towards supporting Borne, a UK premature birth charity (
Steve Hanson, co-founder of The Book of Everyone, says, ?The idea came about when we wanted to do something special to celebrate Father?s Day. The Book of Everyone is a new start up run by three dads, one of whom has just had a baby and still has the look of wonder ? or is it terror? ? on his face. We thought it?d be fun to celebrate that awe, worry and relief on the faces of new dads who have just witnessed the birth of their sons or daughters. Dave Young was the perfect photographer to capture these once in a lifetime moments.?
Ahead of Father's Day (June 15th) the The Book of Everyone site allows you to fashion a personalised 50 page Book of Dads, which you create by adding photos, personal tweaks and special messages for your dad.
For more information visit
Postuar nga: Emanuel Demaj 18:01, 21 Qershor 2016 1263 Shpërndarje
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