Site icon first-channel tv, Prishtinë, Kosova

Pas 79 vitesh më në fund pajiset me patentë shofer

Një burrë i përkushtuar më në fund ka kaluar testin e tij të vozitjes në moshën 79 vjeçare, kështu që ai mund të vozis bashkëshorten e tij në spital.

Keith Limbert nga Garforth, West Yorkshire edhe pse kishte tentuar si një djalë i ri të pajiset me patentë shofer, kurrë nuk kishte arritur ta kaloj testin e vozitjes, shkruan, transmeton Indeksonline.

Gruaja Anne, 79 gjatë gjithë jetës kishte vozitur makinën e tyre gjatë martesës së 58 vjeçare. Por Keith u kthye pas timonit përsëri pasi dashuria e tij e fëmijërisë pësoi një goditje kardiake në tetor 2015.

Semundja e Anne-s e lë të paaftë për të vozitur, kështu që Keith u kthye në shkollën e vozitjes dhe pas dy përpjekjeve të dështuara, ai më në fund mori mori patet shoferin.

Keith Limbert from Garforth, who has passed his driving test aged 79, after his wife Anne was ill. See Ross Parry story RPYTEST; CANCER survivor Keith Limbert has passed his driving test – at the age of 79. Mr Limbert, of Garforth, started taking lessons after his wife Anne, also 79, suffered a debilitating stroke in October 2015 and was in hospital for six weeks. Mrs Limbert, who has difficulty walking and uses a wheelchair, had passed her driving test in 1972 but was left unable to drive after the stroke and the couple had to rely on lifts. Mr Limbert, who survived colon cancer at 60, became her full-time carer and numerous further hospital visits continued after she was diagnosed with breast cancer for a second time 18 months ago. He said he spent a “fortune I don’t have†on 40 driving lessons and finally passed his driving test last month at the third attempt. Mr Limbert said: “I take Anne out every day to have a coffee and a scone, either to a garden centre or somewhere else. We would go stir crazy if we were stuck in the house all week.â€

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