Fotografitë më qesharake të maceve të zemëruara (Foto)

Macet janë krijesa të dashura, ama atyre u pëlqen të kenë hapësirë dhe të flenë.

Ato mund të jenë kafshë të llastuara por dispozinimi i tyre mund të ndryshojë shpejt dhe është më mirë t’iu qëndrosh larg kur ato janë të zemëruara.

Kjo përmbledhje fotografisë dëshmon se macet vërtetë mund të zemërohen.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.



A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.


A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.



A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.


A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.


A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.


A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.

A hilarious gallery of angry, pissed off cats has appeared on the Internet.


Të afërta