E tmerrshme! Ja çfarë gjeti brenda kutisë së drithërave (FOTO)
Fee ¿75 per image for online and ¿150 per image for print - Must credit Mirrorpix Bat, Crackle and Pop: Horrified teen finds dead BAT in her Rice Krispies 17-year-old Sehr Rafique says she was 'terrified' when she spotted the dead bat as she poured the cereal into a container Sehr Rafique from Giffnock with the bat she found in her box Rice Krispies.
Postuar nga: Egzona Krasniqi 20:35, 13 Qershor 2016 527 Shpërndarje
Sehr Rafique ishte përgatitur të hante shujtën e zakonshme të mëngjesit, drithërat e saja të preferuara.
Por pasi kishte hapur kutinë ajo ishte tmerruar nga çfarë kishte parë. E tërë familja ishte shokuar nga britma e saj por nuk kishin qenë në dijeni së çfarë po ndodhte, transmeton ORAinfo.
17 vjecja kishte hapur kutinë dhe ishte tmerruar kishe në pjatë i kishte rënë një lakuriq i natës.
Pasi kishin kontaktuar me dyqanin ku e kishin bërë blerjen ata thonë se janë ofenduar edhe më shumë kur u ishte afruar furnizim me disa pako të reja të këtyre drithërave.
“Lakuriqët e natës mund të shpërndajnë viruse dhe sëmundje të ndryshme dhe të na ofrohen kuti tjera mendoj së është një ofendim i rënë”, ka thënë adoleshentja.
Zyrtarë nga dyqani ku është bërë blerja kanë thënë se po e shqyrtojnë rastin shumë seriozisht, përderisa po qëndrojnë në kontakt me familjen e Sehr.
Fee ¿75 per image for online and ¿150 per image for print – Must credit Mirrorpix Bat, Crackle and Pop: Horrified teen finds dead BAT in her Rice Krispies 17-year-old Sehr Rafique says she was ‘terrified’ when she spotted the dead bat as she poured the cereal into a container Sehr Rafique from Giffnock with the bat she found in her box Rice Krispies.
Fee ¿75 per image for online and ¿150 per image for print – Must credit Mirrorpix Bat, Crackle and Pop: Horrified teen finds dead BAT in her Rice Krispies 17-year-old Sehr Rafique says she was ‘terrified’ when she spotted the dead bat as she poured the cereal into a container Sehr Rafique from Giffnock with the bat she found in her box Rice Krispies.
Fee ¿75 per image for online and ¿150 per image for print – Must credit Mirrorpix Bat, Crackle and Pop: Horrified teen finds dead BAT in her Rice Krispies 17-year-old Sehr Rafique says she was ‘terrified’ when she spotted the dead bat as she poured the cereal into a container Sehr Rafique from Giffnock with the bat she found in her box Rice Krispies.
Fee ¿75 per image for online and ¿150 per image for print – Must credit Mirrorpix Bat, Crackle and Pop: Horrified teen finds dead BAT in her Rice Krispies 17-year-old Sehr Rafique says she was ‘terrified’ when she spotted the dead bat as she poured the cereal into a container Sehr Rafique from Giffnock with the bat she found in her box Rice Krispies.
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