Burg për ish-Miss Turqinë, “ofendoi Erdoganin në Instagram” (Foto)

Kjo është Merve Buyuksaraç dhe është shpallur Miss Turqia në vitin 2006.

Por prej dy vjetësh ajo orvatet sallave të gjyqit për një padi ngritur nga presidenti turk, Recep Tayyip

Merve ishte paditur për fyerje të presidentit, pasi botoi një poezi satirike në Instagram në vitin 2014.

Ajo është dënuar me 14 muaj burg, por pas një pakti mes avokatit dhe prokurorisë, ajo do të jetë në liri me kusht.

Që do të thotë se nëse gjatë 14 muajve të ardhshëm ofendon edhe një herë tjetër presidentin, do të burgoset.

27-vjeçarja thotë se nuk kishte synim të ofendonte Erdoganin, por thjesht e shpërndau poezinë pasi iu duk e lezetshme dhe me humor.



FILE - In this Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 file photo, former Miss Turkey Merve Buyuksarac speaks to The Associated Press in Istanbul, Turkey. It has become as easy to get jailed for offending the country’s paramount leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as it is in countries where laws forbid insults to royals. The trend alarms many people who have harbored hope for Turkey as a beacon of Western-style government in the Islamic world. Last year, former Miss Turkey Buyuksarac posted a seemingly innocuous poem on her Instagram site. In January, Buyuksarac was arrested over suspicion of violating the law prohibiting insults to public servants. She could face up to two years in prison. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel, File)

FILE – In this Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 file photo, former Miss Turkey Merve Buyuksarac speaks to The Associated Press in Istanbul, Turkey. It has become as easy to get jailed for offending the country’s paramount leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as it is in countries where laws forbid insults to royals. The trend alarms many people who have harbored hope for Turkey as a beacon of Western-style government in the Islamic world. Last year, former Miss Turkey Buyuksarac posted a seemingly innocuous poem on her Instagram site. In January, Buyuksarac was arrested over suspicion of violating the law prohibiting insults to public servants. She could face up to two years in prison. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel, File)


Merve Buyuksaraç_1

Merve Buyuksaraç



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