Humb 158 kg, ja si ndryshoi 24-vjeçari

Oliver Bales, the winner of Slimming World's 2016 'Greatest Loser' award, and a cardboard cut-out of his 25 stone heavier self

Oliver Bales ka arritur të thyejë një rekord botëror. 24-vjecari nga Britani e Madhe ka humbur 158 kilogramë falë një programi dobësimi mjaft të njohur në vend, Slimming Ëorld.
Oliver, i cili më parë peshonte 240 kilogramë, mori dhe çmimin e vitit në dobësim për angazhimin dhe këmbënguljen e tij deri në fund.
“Për herë të parë në jetën time ndihem normal”- ka deklaruar Bales për mediat britanike.

A new man! Mr Bates he now feels 'normal' for the first time in his life (Slimming World/PA Wire)

Mr Bates previously regularly ate a massive lunch of battered cod and chips with a battered sausage, a battered burger, all covered in mayonnaise and ketchup, with a cola to drink (Slimming World/PA Wire)

At his heaviest his weight reached nearly 39 stone, and he was inspired to lose it by a friend who had done the same

The 24-year-old, pictured with a pair of his old trousers, lost a massive 30 inches from his waistline

Oliver Bales, the winner of Slimming World's 2016 'Greatest Loser' award, and a cardboard cut-out of his 25 stone heavier self


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